The Lake Åsnen is known for its stunning scenery and with plenty of room for all kinds of canoeing experiences. The lake is one of southern Sweden's largest lakes of approximately 170 km2 and with over 100 islands.
Many enjoy to paddle shorter or longer trips around the stunning lake Åsnen. Some come back the same day and some spend the night at one of the small primitive camps located at Åsnens spreads. One can easily paddle for a week without seeing the same area! HAVE A NICE TRIP! |
There is good opportunities to spend some days / week on Åsnen. Here you find some
primitive camps / campsites. The cost here is sek 50, - per person to stay overnight. There shall be approved barbecues with firewood and in some places there are primitive toilet facilities and access to water! All camps are privately run, so there might be difference in the standard. If you want to camp in the wildness it is permitted via "right of public access" in Swedish called "Allemansrätten". Be aware that it does not apply to groups and that between 1/4 - 31/9 it is prohibited with open fire in the area of Åsnen. It is allowed to use grill or camping stove out in nature. Be sure to familiarize yourselves with the rules! LINK TO ALLEMANSRÄTTEN>> We rent out 17 canoes. For day trips you can be up to 2 adults and 2 children or 3 adults in one canoe. For longer trips we usually recommend two people in each canoe, as you also need space for luggage. –The canoes however can max load 400 kg totally. Normally it is estimated to paddle about 10-20 km a day.... Of course, depending of experience with paddling and also depending on weather and wind! We sell maps of Lake Åsnen, price sek 100,- |
Per hour. Only guests staying at the campsite. 100,- Sek. Guests staying at the campsite. 400,- Sek. Per day Guests not staying at the campsite. 500,- Sek. Per day. (between 08:00-20:00) Per week 2500,- Sek. / 7 days. - Max 4 persons / 400 kg pr. canoe. - The canoes are expected to be cleaned after use. Water hose to rinse canoes are available at the service house. BARREL Pr. day 25,- Pr. week 100,- CANOE WAGON Pr. day 100.- For the whole period 200,- The renter is 100% responsible for the canoe during the rental period and also responsible for themselves and other fellow travelers! ALL PRICES ARE IN SWEDISH CROWNS *ATTENTION! WE DO ACCEPT CREDIT CARD. – IF IT IS NOT A SWEDISH CREDIT CARD (FOREIGN) + 3% EXTRA. – WE ACCEPT CASH PAYMENT IN EURO, SEK AND DKK. |